Barr Fired Former SDNY Boss To Bury Steve Bannon, Ukraine Cases
Geoffrey Berman has a harrowing tale to tell.
Geoff Berman, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, explained to Rachel Maddow last night exactly why former Attorney General Bill Barr fired him. Donald Trump and Barr tried to manipulate the Justice Department to protect and cover up for the former President and to attack Trump's political enemies.
Berman told Maddow that his department was working on several cases, including one involving Stephen Bannon, in the months before the election.
“How was your work as U.S. attorney a threat to Trump’s reelection?” Maddow asked Berman.
“Well, at the time I was fired, the Southern District of New York was working on a couple of politically sensitive cases," he said. "One of those cases is the Steve Bannon ‘We Build the Wall’ case, and we were very close to indicting that case around the time I got fired, and Barr knew about the case."
That rings true since Trump pardoned Bannon on his way out of office. Just to be clear: the former President pardoned the guy who was ripping off Trump supporters.
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In a nutshell:
Quick question: Why haven't charges been made against Trump and Barr? His entire presidency was a crime spree.