John Oliver Reports On Bolsonaro's Disastrous Deforestation

"Bolsonaro has been an absolute disaster for the Amazon, a rainforest that is critical for Brazil and you know, the Planet Earth," said Oliver.

John Oliver talked about how disastrous Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been for the environment since taking office in 2019, with Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions growing by 9.5 percent amid the pandemic (while worldwide levels fell by 7 percent), and deforestation in the country hitting its highest point in a decade. Via Mashable.com:

"Bolsonaro has been an absolute disaster for the Amazon, a rainforest that is critical for Brazil and you know, the Planet Earth," said Oliver, pointing to a report from The New York Times which showed Bolsonaro "has both loosened regulations to expand logging and mining in the Amazon and scaled back protections."

As Oliver points out, August saw the country's worst fire season in a decade, with an average of 1,000 fires per day. And no, this isn't due to natural extreme weather conditions, it's directly linked to deforestation, as forests are cut down, often illegally by loggers and ranchers, and trees are burned to clear the land for industrial use.

"1,000 fires a day. That is so many fires," said Oliver. "If you asked me what happens in the Amazon 1,000 times a day, my first guess would be capybaras fucking. Self explanatory. My second would be frog birthday parties. Statistically there's got to be at least 5,000 of them with a birthday every day and we have to assume there's some combined parties for convenience and others just don't want to have a big thing this year. But exactly zero of my guesses would be fires."

He also mentions how Boldonaro, like his hero Trump, plans to stay in office if he loses his reelection -- as seems likely. Dark times.

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