Johnson Gets Caught Up On His Lies About Fake Electors

Ron Johnson gets visibly agitated when asked about his role in the fake elector scheme and paints himself into a corner.

Ron Johnson has repeatedly tried to downplay his role in the fake elector scheme. He has tried to say nothing really happened since Mike Pence refused to received the slates. He tried to blow it off as something between his staff and Pence's staff. He also tried to say it was no big deal because he was only involved for a few minutes.

But when he did an interview with NBC26 in Green Bay, he ran into a real reporter that asked actual follow up questions. RoJo quickly got flustered and started stammering as he desperately tried to find a way out after painting himself into a corner:

Sparano pressed Johnson on his participation in presenting an alternate slate of electors to then-Vice President Mike Pence in order to overturn the election results.

"I had virtually — you can't — I had no involvement," Johnson stuttered. "I received either three texts and I sent two texts or the other way around. My involvement, you know, my lack of involvement was seconds worth of texting."

"But that's still involvement," Sparano pointed out.

Things went from bad to worse when the reporter asked him about his claim of not knowing what he was supposed to deliver to Pence:

"I didn't hand anything to the [vice president]," Johnson said. "I wasn't involved."

"But if he would have said sure," Sparano posited.

"I wasn't involved. You can make it seem — I wasn't involved," the senator repeated. "A couple texts. I few seconds of my time! I couldn't even remember what I had done, which is why it took a little while to piece it all together but, you know, we pieced it all together. I received three texts and I sent two."

However, at the end of this segment of the interview, Sparano asked if RoJo would cooperate if he were subpoenaed, he looked like he was about to absolutely lose it while he continued to deny that there was any reason to subpoena him.

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