Johnson, Wisconsin GOP Rush To Defend Racism. Again.

Ron Johnson and Wisconsin Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to attack Mandela Barnes with. This time, it's the historical treatment of indigenous people.

Two months ago, Wisconsin right wingers made a mockery of themselves by trying to defend the slavery that was present at the founding of the United States.

For Labor Day, instead of trying to explain to Wisconsin workers why he gave rewards to companies outsourcing work to China, Ron Johnson chose to go on Fox and defend racism again:

Now he's taking a page out of President Biden's playbook here, not necessarily camping from the basement, but he's in hiding. He's not answering questions from the press. He's trying to pretend he's a moderate. He's a radical leftist who thinks the founding of America was awful. He thinks our national parks are racist. It's just unbelievable the kind of grievance and resentment this man holds for America. And yet he wants to be U.S. senator. So, we'll just point out who Mandela Barnes truly is, although it's a mystery at this point in time.

Whaaaaat? The national parks are racist? What the hell is RoJo rambling on about now?

It turns out that Dan O'Donnell, the buffoon who conflated criticism of slavery into an attack on America, came up with another doozy. This time, the turniphead was having a conniption because Barnes pointed out that the parks sit on indigenous land:

"It's important to create more welcoming spaces because things haven't always felt welcome," he said. "And that's historical, just that perspective, given the fact that national parks weren't made for the enjoyment of people who weren't white. National parks are on land that was indigenous."

So, stealing land from indigenous people isn't racist? And, of course, that soon after the Civil War, racism was a thing of the past. Go ahead, just ask any racist! They'll tell you. Naturally, RoJo would glom onto something like this.

With RoJo down by 7 points and having already lost the independent voters, it's not hard to imagine that he is panicking now. It's just a matter of time before he starts appearing in a hood and robe in his desperation.

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