Laura Ingraham Suggests That Decency Is A 'Far Left' Ideal
What is wrong with her?
Whenever a Democrat brings up racism, you can count on conservatives to get bent out of shape as if they are personally attacked. Fox News's Laura Ingraham said that being against racism and violence are "far left ideals" while discussing President Biden's remarks yesterday.
"He really now is saying, if you don't affirmatively state your allegiance to these far-left ideals, then you are also essentially a domestic terrorist," she said.
Here is what Biden said in part.
"Look, folks, there are core values that should bring us together as Americans," Biden said. "And one of them is standing together against hate, racism, bigotry, and violence that have long haunted and plagued our nation."
"Another core value is standing united, for the enduring source of our strength is the idea of America," he continued. "We're the most unique nation in the world."
"The combination of January the 6th and what they saw in Charlottesville: That’s not America, not who we are," he said.
"The idea of America is it guarantees that everyone — everyone is treated with dignity and equality," he added. "An idea that ensures an inclusive, multi-racial democracy. An idea that we give no safe harbor — none — to hate."
It's as if conservatives out themselves every single time. If I'm far-left for not being a racist or domestic terrorist, I'll proudly embrace that label. All the President was trying to say is, can we please be decent to each other?