The Man QAnon Think Is JFK Jr. Spotted At Bizarre Stunt For Dr. Oz

This isn't going to help you, buddy.

Because politics hasn't gotten weird enough, Republican Vince Fusca, who has become a QAnon figure because the Q-Nuts believe that he is the late John F. Kennedy Jr., began gathering petitions for his Senate bid earlier this year.

WESA asked Fusca about the JFK allegations by the cult, and, of course, he did not exactly deny that he is the late John F. Kennedy Jr.

"We're going to leave that for another time because right now, it's about getting the signatures for us to get there," he said. "We can go in so many different directions with JFK Jr. and other movements. But let's stick to the matter at hand right now."

Yeah, because that would take guts to stand up against a group fawning all over you, showering you with attention to say, "This is wrong." He's undoubtedly riding this for everything that he can.

The disheveled Vincent Fusca is a supporter of Dr. Oz, which might be a gift for John Fetterman. The Twitter account Patriot Takes has a few tweets up, and I noticed Fusca in the middle of all of this. It appears that Oz paid people to act like convicted felons who support Fetterman, and it's pretty tasteless. I can't imagine people lowering themselves to that level for free, although I don't doubt that Fusca did. (Click for the full image)

I think we've had enough of QAnon in politics, thankyouverymuch.

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