So Predictable: Trump Comes Unglued After Bill Barr's Interview

Well, maybe Trump shouldn't have been doing espionage-y things.

On Friday, former Attorney General Bill Barr wasn't about to defend Donald Trump over the stolen documents scandal. Barr just came out and said it. The sensitive documents do not belong to the former President.

Barr was asked on Fox News if there was a legitimate reason for the twice impeached one-term President, under investigation for espionage, to have those documents.

"I can't think of a legitimate reason why [those documents] should have been, could be taken out of the government, away from the government if they're classified," Barr said.

That was too much for Lumpy to handle, so he immediately took to his Truth Social account to lash out at his former A.G.

"Former A.G. Bill Barr was fired long before I left the White House on January 20th," Bloaty McBatshit falsely stated. "He acted very slowly on the "No Collusion" Mueller Report in that the FBI and "Justice" had the "Laptop from Hell" in their possession, which totally exonerated me long before Mueller's decision came out, years later - A waste of time & money. The Laptop information should have been released BEFORE the Rigged Election, not after it, for the VOTERS TO SEE. He was petrified of the lunatic Dems & of being Impeached!"

"Bill Barr had "no guts," and got "no glory." He was a weak and pathetic RINO, who was so afraid of being Impeached that he became a captive to the Radical Left Democrats - "Please, please, please don't impeach me," he supposedly said," he added. "Barr never fought the way he should have for Election Integrity, and so much else. He started off OK as A.G., but faded fast - Didn't have courage or stamina. People like that will never Make America Great Again!"

This is probably the part that made Trump lose his sh*t:

"Let me just say, I think the driver on this from the beginning was loads of classified information sitting in Mar-a-Lago," Barr said. "People say this was unprecedented, well it’s also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put ‘em in a country club, OK?"

Bill Barr resigned, effective December 23rd. He was not fired. Trump is just big mad because Barr wouldn't lie for him to prop up his big lie of massive voter fraud that doesn't exist. I hate Trump for making me defend Bill Barr.

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