Time To Stop DeSantis And Abbott In Their Tracks
Here's a suggestion for putting a stop to the cruelty we've seen from Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott using migrants as pawns to score political points.
El Jefe at our friend's Juanita Jean's site has a suggestion for putting a stop to the cruelty we've seen from Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott using migrants as pawns to score political points with their racist base.
As we've already discussed here, apparently both Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott have been sending migrants crossing the border in their states to Democratic cities across the country as a cheap and illegal political stunt.
DeSantis offered word salad in response to a reporter's questions this week, but no amount of questioning or shaming from the media will stop them as long as they believe they're, one, above the law, and two, that their base who sits around watching Fox and listening to right wing hate talk or reading right wing web sites will do anything other than cheer them on.
If you're not going to go after DeSantis or Abbott personally for violating the law, as El Jefe suggests, here's one place to start, although I'd rather see them go after the companies than the individuals that work for them, and they definitely need to charge both DeSantis and Abbott for violating federal law sooner and not later even if they go after the enablers first.
Here's more from Juanita Jean's place:
Clearly, both governors believe they are above the law (like TFG) and are thumbing their noses at immigration and law enforcement agencies.
I say, fine. Don’t go after the governors’ lawbreaking (yet), but cut off access to the services they’re using to illegally dump immigrants around the country. Let’s use the same tactics that anti-choice politicians use…get some our own pawns to use. Go after those who are enabling this unprecedented cruelty, the drivers and owners of the buses and the pilots and owners of the aircraft being used. They KNOW they’re transporting undocumented immigrants (or should know), so federal authorities should go after them and indict them for trafficking. Pilots convicted of crimes lose their licenses. Drivers may not lose their license but will certainly lose their jobs. Both will certainly face jail time. If we do that, no bus company or air charter company will touch this business. Problem solved, at least until the governors get prosecuted.
The only way to fight fire is with fire. The hallmark of TFGist Republicans is cruelty and dickishness. The only way to stop them is to cut off their resources and make them pay personally.
Amen to that and I really hope the DOJ treats them the same way they would anyone else who commits these sort of crimes. I'm tired of watching Republican criminals being given a pass. It's been going on for decades and it's long past time for it to stop.