Two Years Ago, Trump Called Democratic Party 'Fascists'
And no one batted an eye. No pearl clutching, no cable news panels. Hmm.
It was Aug 17, 2020, when Trump called Democrats "fascists." I don't remember this making a major splash in the news. Via
In Mankato, Minnesota, Trump stepped up his rhetoric against Biden, calling him a “puppet of left-wing extremists trying to erase our borders, eliminate our police, indoctrinate our children, vilify our heroes, take away our energy."
Speaking to a crowd of several hundred supporters outside an aircraft hangar, Trump alleged that a Biden victory would “replace American freedom with left-wing fascism.”
“Fascists. They are fascists,” Trump continued, though fascism is a form of far-right nationalism. "Some of them, not all of them, but some of them. But they're getting closer and closer. We have to win this election. But the proud people of Minnesota will not let this happen.”
Huh. Were there endless discussions on cable news? Public outrage? Yeah, me neither.
Probably because the Mango Mussolini speaks like this all the time, especially at his lie-riddled rallies, that no one thought it was worth that much attention.
Until a thoughtful, serious Democrat said it.