‘Deficit Hawk’ Gingrich Campaign Owes Almost $5M Since 2012
Newt Gingrich’s decade-old campaign debt is the latest hypocrisy from the guy who falsely takes credit for Bill Clinton’s budget surplus.
In a 2008 interview, Gingrich called it “moral and practical” to maintain a balanced budget. But just like he exempted himself from the same marriage morality he publicly demanded of others, he seems just fine with carrying what Insider says is the largest campaign debt on the books
From Insider:
The "Newt 2012" campaign committee remains technically active and more than $4.63 million in debt, according to a financial filing the committee submitted October 14 to the Federal Election Commission. No presidential campaign from any election cycle owes creditors more money.
Among the creditors are a host of political consultants, Insider notes. I could see why GOP operatives might be willing to take a financial hit to stay in Gingrich’s good graces – even if he does owe The Polling Company (Kellyanne Conway’s old firm) more than $65,000, according to the FEC filing. But the filing also shows Gingrich owes FedEx $33,732.66 for shipping and postage and Comcast $1539.94 for internet service. Something tells me I’d never get away with owing either of those companies that much money for a decade without getting sued.
Gingrich has a long history of dishonest sanctimoniousness. Besides cheating on two wives, he was for end-of-life counseling before he was against it, he rose to power slamming Democrats as corrupt – shortly before getting fined $300,000 by the House Ethics Committee for a multitude of his own ethical transgressions, among other things.
And now, the guy who falsely took credit for balancing the budget for four years, falsely claimed to have slashed federal spending and falsely took credit for the 1998 federal budget surplus has been outed as a chronic campaign deadbeat.
Gingrich has made little effort to raise money to pay down his presidential campaign's debts, Insider reports, yet he’s happy to be a pitchman for other Republican causes, including the Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, congressional candidate Sarah Palin in Alaska, and Trump's post-presidential political fundraising network.
He gets paid for all that, no doubt.