Larry The Cat Chases Off Fox From Number 10 Downing Street

Downing Street's chief mouser was caught on video chasing away the unwelcome visitor.

A skittish fox was no match for Larry, who's been in an ever-surly mood lately with the arrival of yet another Conservative leader in Liz Truss to the Prime Minister's residence. He dispatched the fox quickly. One wishes he could do the same for Truss.

Source: The Guardian

There are not just wolves at the door of 10 Downing Street these days.

Larry the cat, who serves as chief mouser to the Cabinet Office, has been captured on camera chasing a fox from outside the prime minister’s residence.

In footage sure to appear in the next BBC natural history series, Larry is seen stalking the emaciated fox as it prowls up the famous street.

You can almost hear David Attenborough’s intimate tones as the fox raises its hackles and submissively retreats from Larry’s confident approach.

Larry has been in residence at Downing Street since 15 February 2011 and was the first cat at No 10 to be bestowed with the official title chief mouser.

He was recruited from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home on recommendation for his mousing skills, according to No 10.

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