Pro-Herschel Walker Flyers Give The Wrong Date For Early Voting

Well, that's not good.

A pro-Herschel Walker flyer was sent out to a Democratic-leaning voter area in Atlanta's suburbs. The problem is that it gave the wrong date to potential early voters. Early voting ends on Nov. 4; however, the flyer lists the end date as Election Day, Nov. 8.

It's difficult to figure out how this could happen. A few ideas spring to mind, and one of them is that Herschel Walker is wholly unqualified to fill a Senate seat. It's possible -- doubtful, but possible -- that a bad actor sent the flyers out.

The fact that this race is neck and neck is mind-blowing, given Walker's unstable history.

One woman claimed that Walker threatened and stalked her in Texas in 2002, and then there are accusations of abortions that the pro-life candidate allegedly funded. And we don't even know how many children this guy has because the number keeps increasing. He's admitted to playing Russian Roulette.

Yet another incident occurred in 2001 when police in Irving, Texas, had to confiscate Walker's handgun after his therapist called 911, saying he was "volatile," armed, and frightening his ex-wife. He seemed to be fantasizing about having a shootout with the police. He reportedly held a gun to his ex-wife Cindy's head several times.

There is another woman who says he threatened to kill her. And that's just the shortlist. But Republicans are so power-hungry that they're willing to put this mentally unstable man in the Senate.

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