Sean Hannity Busts Biden, Airs Audio Of President Being A Decent Person

You got 'em, Sean.

Even if you haven't personally done illegal drugs, the chances are high that addiction has affected someone you know.

Google tells me that 22 million people suffer from active substance use disorders. Forty-five million people are directly impacted by addiction, and I suspect that that number is higher because drug addicts aren't forthcoming about their disease. After all, it's stigmatized. And people like Fox News's Sean Hannity don't help.

In Hunter Biden's memoir 'Beautiful Things,' he credits his survival to his family's love. He recounted an intervention when his father held him in an embrace, saying: "I don't know what else to do. I'm so scared. Tell me what to do."

Every addict that's overcome addiction has a story, but not all former addicts have the support of their parents. Hunter Biden is a lucky man. And no, I'm not a Hunter Biden stan. I think he's a bit of a douche, but I respect him for overcoming the disease of addiction.

In the 2018 voicemail that Hannity aired, which the tabloid the Daily Mail obtained, Joe Biden can be heard saying: "It's Dad. I called to tell you I love you. I love you more than the whole world, pal. You gotta get some help. I know you don't know what to do. I don't either."

Addiction hurts the addict, but it probably hurts those around the user even more. No one knows what to do. It's stigmatized, so people don't talk about it. Joe Biden spoke about it with Hunter. His voice sounded as if he had been crying. That audio is highly personal, but Hannity went there. Biden loves his son. You got him there, Sean, you absolute freak of nature.

Btw, Sean, how much do you drink? It appears as though you might take in a lot of alcohol.

Stuff to know: If you try to get help at a rehab/detox for heroin addiction, you might be turned away and told to wait for a bed. But if you're an alcoholic, you will immediately get help, and here's why, Sean: You might wish you were dead when you go through heroin withdrawal, but you won't die. You can, however, die when you suddenly stop drinking alcohol. That might have changed since I was a drug counselor back in the Stone Age, but it's doubtful.

Maybe you should check into that, Sean. Maybe when he aired Biden's audio to his son, it was a plea for help. Hey, Fox, do an intervention on Sean. Be the good guys for a change. And air a clip of the intervention. Sean wouldn't mind. He's into that sort of thing.

I'm just going to leave this here from last year:

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