Still Planning On Voting Republican?

Politics Girl confronts Republicans who are still thinking putting their party before the country.

Political Girl goes on one of her righteous rants, calling out Republicans who still are thinking about putting their party before our country. But first she winnows out the QAnon supporters, pointing out that they're already a lost cause. She also sifts out the white supremacists, which is proper because there is nothing supreme about them. She also slices out the religious nuts who want to kill in the name of their god who is supposed to be so loving.

Finally, she singles out the Republicans who are voting for their wallets, who are thinking that if they just keep voting Republican, they'll finally hit it off big like their electeds and become filthy rich, even though every knows they'd have better luck playing the lottery. But in isolating this group, thinking that they are reachable, is where Politics Girl made her mistake.

As she pointed out, forget the religious nuts who want Christian Nationalism. But then you don't go after the adherents of the official religion of the GOP, worship of the Almighty Dollar. Their greed makes them too far gone to hope to save.

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