Trump Blames The U.S. For Russia Invading Ukraine

What a traitorous asshat.

Donald Trump phoned in to 'Real America's Voice' (I have no idea what that is), and the former President, of course, blamed the United States for the war Russia started when it invaded Ukraine, raped their women and children, beat and tortured civilians, stole from Ukrainians, and destroyed entire cities. And that's just the short list.

"They actually taunted him. If you really look at it. Our country, and our so-called leadership, taunted Putin," the twice impeached one-term President insisted. "I said, you know, they're almost forcing him to go in with what they're saying. The rhetoric was so dumb."

It's not as if President Joe Biden called Putin "Little Rocket Man" or anything. And it's not as if Biden told Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto that he has "bad hombres" that needed to be taken out of the U.S. And it's not as if Biden tried to get Mexico to pay for his ego wall. I could do this all day, but the point is that Biden hasn't come close to taunting other countries as Trump has. And he certainly didn't try to extort Ukraine.

That was all Trump, not Biden. It's not surprising that Trump is giving his BFF, Vlad, a pass for destroying entire cities and countless lives. No, that's somehow 'Sleepy' Joe's fault. Russia was the aggressor, not Ukraine. And because money meant for the military went to buy super yachts, Russia f*cked itself, leaving its men with antiquated weapons.

You have a better chance of getting a cooked spaghetti pasta noodle up a wildcat's ass than for Trump to call out a genocidal maniac like Putin.

If Trump was President, I'm sure that he would have handed Ukraine to Putin in a New York second. Crimea a river, Donald.

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