Trump Now Plotting To Overthrow Midterm Results In Philadelphia

Trump and other Republicans are already preparing to wage a legal and activist crusade against the “election integrity” of Democratic strongholds such as the Philly area.

Oh, here we go again. Why even bother with elections? Once the Republican primary is over, we should announce the Republicans the winner by acclamation! Because any election that doesn't result in a Republican win is by definition fraudulent, and Black voters shouldn't count anyway, amirite? Via Rolling Stone:

IN EARLY SEPTEMBER, Donald Trump welcomed a handful of Republican allies to Manhattan’s Trump Tower with an urgent message: He saw a “scam” happening with midterm election voting in Philadelphia and elsewhere in Pennsylvania, and he wanted conservatives to do something about it.

“During our briefing, he was concerned that 2020 is going to happen again in 2022,” says former senior Trump administration official Michael Caputo, referencing Trump’s debunked assertion that voter fraud in Philadelphia helped win Pennsylvania for Joe Biden. Caputo — who attended the meeting alongside Bradford County Commissioner Doug McLinko and retired CIA officer Sam Faddis — says they had a message back to the former president: “Our team encouraged him to be concerned … [Furthermore], I’m advising Republicans to recruit and train election observers and a team of attorneys to oversee historically problematic [Editor's note: They mean Black] precincts.”

But it’s not just one meeting, and it’s not just Philly.

I just watched a focus group of Pennsylvania Trump voters on MSNBC, and I felt my blood pressure going through the roof. Because none of them believed the 2020 election was legitimate, citing the fact that the results changed overnight.

Of course they did! Because Trump backers in the PA state legislature passed a law that prevented local election officials from counting mail-in ballots until after the election was over. They did it to make it easier for Trump to claim the election was rigged! Everyone who was paying attention knew this.

It's not some magic "secret" information. It was in the local and national newspapers! It was on the news, warning people to be prepared for a different result the next day because the mail-in ballots weren't counted yet!

But when you are a deliberately stupid person who chooses cult propaganda over actual reality, you're going to believe there was a massive conspiracy by Them. You know, Democrats. Black people. Plotting to keep your hero from ascending to his rightful throne.

And here we go again.

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