Ali Alexander Speaks For Election Deniers Everywhere

I don't think he was supposed to say what he said out loud.

Far-right wing activist Ali Alexander, the leader of the Stop The Steal group that took a dump all over democracy, admitted what we've known for awhile. Alexander, born with the name Ali Abdul-Razaq Akbar, pretty much just came out and admitted that the claims of a rigged election coming from the right are lies.

The smugness on Akbar, I mean Alexander's, face says it all. He's so nonchalant about admitting that Trump supporters have been played.

"Here is what I would say to Joe Biden: Any election I don't like is stolen," he said. "Any election where you get 81 million tabulations, not votes, is stolen. It's pretty simple. If I don't like it, it's stolen. If I like it, it's not stolen. If you win, it's stolen."

For some reason, YouTube took down Right Wing Watch's clip of Alexander admitting something we all knew.

This doesn't make any sense.

And so the video can be found here, where it can't be taken down.

BuT cOnSeRvAtIvEs ArE bEiNg CeNsOrEd.

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