Security Barred Crowd Leaving During Trump's Speech

Well, this is a weird way to get votes.

Donald Trump, the only president that was impeached twice, announced his plans to seek a return to the Oval Office in 2024 in the most uninspiring speech he has ever given. And he has given a lot of speeches! After all, Donald lost the election 743 days ago, but he's been consistently throwing ego rallies ever since.

Sarah Matthews, a former Trump White House spokesperson, tweeted, "This is one of the most low-energy, uninspiring speeches I've ever heard from Trump. Even the crowd seems bored. Not exactly what you want when announcing a presidential run."

Trump demeaned the country he professes to love, something that he's done ever since Joe Biden defeated him. Trump stood there in front of the American people and lied again. It was one lie after another. CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale must be exhausted after trying to keep up with the former reality show star's lies and exaggerations. Here's a sample:

Bloaty McBatshit's speech was so dull that even Fox News cut away from it while he was mumbling something about Angela Merkel.

At one point, a crowd formed at the tacky ballroom's exit, and as ABC's Olivia Rubin noted, security wouldn't let them leave. Can you imagine being forced to listen to that man drone on endlessly? And yet, he claimed that he is "a victim."

Jonathan Karl weighed in:

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