Fox & Friends: Trump's Stolen Classified Docs OK Because They're Keepsakes

Fox & Friends claimed the special counsel investigation of Donald Trump will “backfire” because it will just remind everyone how the FBI “unfairly” took back the classified material he stole.

The three stooges known as Fox & Friends acknowledged that Trump will probably not be able to avoid cooperating with newly-appointed special counsel Jack Smith who is now in charge of both the investigation into Trump’s stolen documents and his role in the January 6th insurrection.

But that doesn’t matter because it will all make Trump more popular! According to his Fox Friends, that is.

First, cohost Will Cain argued that Trump has been exonerated because The Washington Post reported that investigators think Trump stole classified documents for his ego, not to sell.

In fact, The Post article clearly said that “no final determination has been made” in that regard. But even if true, it does not mean that no crime has been committed. And it’s not like Trump stole a souvenir poster or paperweight. At least one document describes Iran’s missile program and others “described highly sensitive intelligence work aimed at China,” The Post reported. Also, “some of the material focuses on the defense systems of a foreign country, including its nuclear capabilities.”

But Cain whined that the Post story has not gotten enough attention. He even suggested that it was deliberately kept quiet because it proved Trump did nothing wrong. Cohost Pete Hegseth also falsely suggested Trump had been exonerated:

CAIN: What the report suggested, and somewhat quietly compared to the raid and the original reporting is - we're talking about all the documents at Mar-a-Lago - they suspect that President Trump wasn't hoarding the nuclear codes for nefarious reasons or so, but rather because he was keeping them like one would keep, you know...

HEGSETH: A keepsake

CAIN: … a keepsake. I know there's thousands of papers, he's like... oh. But The Washington Post itself is reporting very quietly, “and maybe it's not what we originally said.”

HEGSETH: That's a good way to put it.

Then, after more or less declaring that stealing nuclear secrets is A-OK if they’re only “keepsakes,” Hegseth argued that the special counsel investigation “has a high likelihood of backfiring” because it will turn Trump into a bigger MAGA hero/victim – partly because Hunter Biden!

HEGSETH: So you remind people of the raid and the targeting through this special counsel and the investigation and people are reminded there's been one guy willing to fight from the beginning and they've come after him and that, politically, inside the Republican party, reminds people what a standard-bearer he has been.

RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY (COHOST): That’s true and it reminds people - I'm glad you brought that up. It does remind people of the raid. Now remember, in this raid the FBI went into this, into Mar-a-Lago, they rifled through Barron Trump's bedroom and Melania's closet. Now mind you, they've never done that to Hunter Biden. They’ve never done that to Jill Biden who, by the way, had the keys, had copies of the keys to Hunter Biden's office. … So, these were some glaring things that were going on.

With that, Campos-Duffy declared that FBI doesn’t deserve any funding for any new investigations. Then she lamented that “Republicans just don't have it in them to play the way the Democrats do, and that is because Republicans believe in the Constitution. Republicans believe that these institutions matter.”

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