GOP Candidate Loses To Mom, Gets Charged With Rape

South Dakota GOP House Candidate Bud May lost his election bid to his mother, then gets charged with second degree rape.

Bud Marty May was a Republican candidate for the state house, but lost the race to his own mother.

Then one week after Election Day, May was in court being charged for second degree rape. From KOTA-TV:

Bud Marty May, 37, of Kyle, was first arrested on Nov. 13 on one count of second-degree rape. This a class 1 felony that could carry up to 50 years in prison and would have May pay up to a $50,000 fine.

The alleged victim said May decided to force himself on the victim in a bathroom stall at a bar and says May said to her at the bar: “I am 6′8″, white, it is all consensual.” According to the police report, he fled the area, and upon being detained he claimed he had no involvement at first, then claimed: “it was simply a hug.”

His bond was set today at $7,500 with a no-contact order regarding the victim. His preliminary hearing is set for November 30 at 11:30 a.m.

The report went on to say that not only did May lose the election to his mother, but he came in fourth in a four person race.

The report does not indicate that May has learned that big, dumb and depraved is no way to go through life.

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