Jesse Watters' Idea To Get Single Women To Vote GOP Is The Dumbest Sh*t Ever

Conservatives are never going to get it.

Fox News host Jesse Watters shared his idea for winning over single women, who, as he noted, voted for Democrats in the midterm elections. Instead of reflecting on themselves as a party, Republicans are twisting themselves into pretzels. Like, Fox News host Jesse Watters, for example, seems to feel that he knows a lot about marriage. And he's not wrong. He married his second wife, who he was fucking around with during his first marriage, so boom! He's an expert. He's very family values, huh?

The Fox News host's theory is that since single women went heavily for Democrats by 30 points, "we need these ladies to get married." Problem solved!

"Also, single women are breaking for Democrats by 30 points," he said. "And this makes sense when you think about how Democrat policies are designed to keep women single."

"But once women get married, they vote Republican. Married women, married men go for Republicans by double digits," he added. "But single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So, we need these ladies to get married. And it's time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it."

That's disgusting. Is he suggesting that Republican men should marry Democratic women? I'm single, and they're just too unattractive. It's not an attractive feature to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies while taking their rights away. Any man that voted for the p*ssy grabber has zero respect for women. Does Jesse realize that Billy Bob would need consent to marry a Democratic woman? They don't just club women in the head and drag them away from their village anymore. Or, as Jesse would call it, 'the good ol' days.'

Even deep-red Kansas gave Republicans the middle finger over abortion rights. Instead of reflecting on where his party went wrong, that meathead concluded that women should be controlled more. Haha, fuck you, Jesse.

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