Obama Spanks Republicans Over Tax Cuts

That's quite a burn.

Former President Donald Trump claimed he wanted to tax high-earning Americans more, but that never happened. Instead he cut taxes for wealthy people. Now that President Joe Biden intends to carry through with his promise of taxing the wealthy, Trumpers think it's some sort of socialist-communist-Marxist takeover of the United States.

Former President Barack Obama rallied in Las Vegas on Tuesday evening for Nevada Democrats. The former president, who was not impeached, served two terms and is not under investigation for espionage, encouraged voters to show up to the polls as soon as possible.

Obama took Republicans to the woodshed over refusing to tax the rich.

'If there was an asteroid heading towards Earth right now, [Republicans would] get in a room [&] say, 'You know what you need? We gotta cut taxes for the wealthy. That's going to solve it!'" he told the crowd.

During an interview in 2017 with the Wall Street Journal, Trump said:

And if there's upward revision, it's going to be on high-income people. You know, I was with Bob Kraft the other night. He came to have dinner with me. He's a friend of mine. And as he left, he said, Donald, don't worry about the rich people. Tax the rich people. You got to take care of the people in the country. It was a very interesting statement. I feel the same way. ...

Not only did Trump go on to gift the wealthy with a tax cut, but Treasury Secretary Mnuchin repeated the unrealistic claim that the Trump tax cuts of 2017 would pay for themselves. The opposite of that happened.

The Biden administration has presided over smaller deficits than were seen under the Trump administration. Vote for Democrats. If Republicans take control, they'll give to the rich while making the rest of us pay for it. Again.

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