2022 Crookie Fail Of The Year: Gun Violence
They're the winners, every damned year.
Let's admit that the real problem with gun violence is... men. Men who have big feelings, and conspiracy theories, and anger at women WHO JUST DON'T LISTEN. Women who get divorced, take the kids, and leave the men with the feelings alone. On Thanksgiving, or Christmas.
And what some of those men will do is, they will take a gun and they will travel to their ex-inlaws, where his ex-wife and kids are celebrating the holidays. They feel safe, away from the man with the feelings.
The man with the big feelings bursts into the house, starts shooting and kills people. The ex-wife, often his own kids. (Because if he can't have them, why should anyone else?) For good measure, he might kill his ex-in-laws. After all, they encouraged his wife to leave!
His wife may have filed for a protection order. Maybe the man with the big feelings was a police officer, and the judge didn't grant it because the man wouldn't have been able to work without his gun!
The thing is, guns are what men with big feelings cling to, because they don't know any other way of dealing with those feelings except by hurting people. He wants them to feel the same way he does. Like the way he feels when his ex-wife finds another man.
We're aren't doing a very good job helping those men, who equate asking for help with weakness, and vulerability, and we can't look weak, right?
Now, this is not how every single domestic gun violence scenario plays out - but close enough for a lot of them..
And by the way, did you know more children now die from gun violence now than anything else?
Part 2
As noted by Shannon Watts, "Gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children and teens in America." Let that sink in for a moment.
Why is America so steeped in love for guns?