2022 Crookies: Rick Scott's 11-Point Plan

Hard to believe, but Rick Scott put "sunsetting Social Security" and "a tax increase for poor seniors" in writing as part of his "plan."

We can thank a lot of people for the failure of the GOP's "Red Wave" -- Gen Z, hard-working Democratic activists, women voters, Joe Biden himself.

But let's save a little gratitude for the bull-headed stupidity of Senator Rick Scott.

Rick Scott was chairman of the National Republican Senate Committee, in charge of electing Republicans to the Senate in 2022.

How'd he do? FAIL. In two specific ways. One, he blew all the money raised for the election on digital ads to find more small donors, rather than donate to candidates when they needed it.

It was so bad, Mitch McConnell had to jump in with his golden Rolodex to bail out candidates in September.

And then Rick Scott thought he'd challenge Mitch's role as Minority Leader AFTER they lost the midterms?

But Rick really screwed the pooch with his PUBLISHED "11-point plan" to sunset Social Security and Medicare and require seniors who currently do not owe taxes (because THEY'RE POOR) to pay a minimum tax.

He put that in writing. Really.

For all this and for just being you, Rick Scott, here's your Crookie Award for 2022:

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