Crookie GOOD GUY: Dark Brandon Meme

Let's Go Brandon was hijacked by some brilliant folks on social media who turned it into Dark Brandon.

[Above: "Know Your Meme" explains how we libs took over "Dark Brandon." - eds.]

Let's Go Brandon was a weird meme that came out of a Nascar race where some fans misheard something someone said and thought "cool, let's turn this into a dig against Joe Biden", complete with FJB stickers and t-shirts. Well, that was reclaimed when Dark Brandon came out and boy did it turn the tide.

Some backstory on Lets Go Brandon.

It really started to take hold on social media when the White House hired Megan Coyne and the tone started to be less like a press release and media appropriate.

President Biden took the meme mocking and brought it to life.

It even has an offshoot Dank Brandon after he started pardoning marijuana related offenses.

To Dark (and Dank) Brandon - you win a Crookie GOOD GUY of 2022 Award!


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