Crookies 2022: Ballot Initiative Of The Year: Abortion In Kansas
August, 2022: Kansas Says 'HELL, NO!' To Abortion Bans
It was a significant win for women. And a harbinger of the midterms to come. As Karoli Kuns wrote in August:
Kansas voters didn't just say no to a constitutional amendment allowing an abortion ban,, they shouted "Hell NO" to one at the top of their voting lungs. As of this writing, the "No" vote was winning with a 61 percent to 39 percent lead.
Turnout in Kansas was up, with some predicting it would match or possibly exceed turnout in the 2008 presidential race, where it was 63.3 percent of eligible voters. Whatever the turnout, it's clear voters don't want abortion bans, even in red states.
To the activists who went to battle, and won big, on behalf of Kansas women, a Crookie Good Guys Award: