Crookies 2022: The 'With Friends Like These' Award

Trump "Allies" Floated That He Is Too Fat To Have Grabbed a Steering Wheel on January 6.

As we've already noted, Donald Trump never wins a Crookie Award. He gets NOTHING.

But his so-called "allies" win this one for being such "good friends." Ahem.

Because clearly, Trumpworld is not above fat-shaming to keep Mango Mussolini out of jail.

Yahoo News reports "Trump's 'girth would prevent him from actually getting to the steering wheel' of his SUV, former Secret Service agent says: 'I don't see this president ever being able to do that. Ever.'"

Girth. That's one word for it. And it seems supportive personnel in the Secret Service are not above using that excuse to help their Dear Leader avoid prosecution.

Meanwhile, some convincing still photos from January 6 are making the rounds. It sure does appear President Girth was reaching for the front seats of the Presidential SUV.

Whether they're lying to "help" Trump or shame him, they win a Crookie Award for 2022.

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