'Fight For Our Lives': OAN Host Clutches Pearls Over Same Sex Marriage
Bless her heart.
OAN host Kara McKinney and her guest, senior editor for The Blaze Daniel Horowitz, got extremely dramatic over President Biden signing the historic bill codifying same-sex and interracial marriage. The pearl-clutching in this segment is impressive.
McKinney quoted former NRA spokesmonster Dana Loesch, then said, "This is now about making us all fight for our lives, so to speak, in court like Jack Phillips (the Colorado cake artist) has to do. I mean, he's on round two now, even with the Supreme Court victory under his belt. Is that what you see kind of going on?"
"Sure. Officially that's what it does. But unofficially, it also codifies, uh, slavery for the red states, to make it clear that henceforth they are going to be beholden to whatever new licentious, uh, hotness of the day California and the blue states come up with," Horowitz opined. "Fun fact. Even when this was a very strong Judeo-Christian nation, the reality is there was never anything technically, legally stopping a state from redefining marriage, you know same-sex, or whatever else they wanted to do."
He went on to call it a "radical idea."
"Yet this for the first time, forces states to redefine marriage. It is such a radical idea. It literally redefines the building block of civilization, implicitly redefining men and women," he said.
I don't even know what McKinney is talking about regarding polygyny. I do not speak Bigot.
"I'm glad that you bring that up about the red states, because you're right, the blue states now, polygamy might be on the table or, you know, all these other weird forms that we're seeing seem to start percolating," she said.
For no explainable reason, and it's a conservative trend lately to falsely accuse the LGBTQ+ community of pedophilia, Horowitz went there.
"Pedophilia," he said.
"That, I was going to say pedophilia because as we just heard now, these are minor-attracted persons. It's all right," the ridiculous woman said. "It's all fine. It's legitimate. Sorry — I would love to roll my eyes at this, but it's very serious, sadly, because that is where we're going. We're not just starting down the slippery slope. We're careening way down. We've been on it for a while now."
"But you're right, you have a blue state," she continued. "They pass something like that. Now you have these red states that have to quote-unquote respect it. So a lot of issues going on right there."
McKinney continued regurgitating nonsense, then brought up former President Barack Obama before Horowitz launched into a rant about COVID restrictions. And, of course, he went back to the subject of grooming.
"And again, it's not just about religious liberty. It is about reinforcing a national grooming that there are no familiar ties, there's no men and women, there's no family," he said. "You're all a bunch of androgynous, unrecognizable AI bots that just follow what we're doing."
With all this talk from Trump supporters about pedophilia and grooming, I think it's a good time to remind them that the former President took at least seven trips on Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" private plane. Joe Biden took zero trips on Epstein's pedo plane.
H/T: Media Matters