Indiana Republicans Censure GOP Senator Over Same-Sex Marriage Vote

What year is this? I'm confused.

U.S. Senator Todd Young was censured by a group of Indiana Republicans, who drafted a letter after he voted to pass a bill that would codify same-sex marriage into federal law. I'm sure Log Cabin Republicans will be all over this to call out the bigoted Indiana Republicans.

The Cass County Republican Party wrote a censure letter to Young to criticize his decision. At the same time, the local party chairman has also sent the letter to the state's other county GOP committee, calling it a "sense of betrayal."

Young, who was one of 12 Republicans who voted with Democrats in passing the bill, published a piece in the Indianapolis Star last month calling on his colleagues to join him in approving the legislation, and that angered Republicans in his state, according to the Washington Examiner and Newsweek.

"Your decision elicited feelings of anger, disbelief and even a sense of betrayal," the Cass County Republican Party wrote in its letter. "We are not just fiscal conservatives, but social conservatives as well. Your opinion piece in the Indianapolis Star on November 30 only confirmed our concerns that you have departed from the deeply held views of the vast majority of your fellow Hoosiers."

The Republican party's tent just got smaller as they continue to ostracize huge voting blocs. After Roe was overturned, most of us knew they would go after gay rights, and here we are. Republicans narrowly won the House and did not win the Senate, and this is one of the reasons why.

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