Jim Bakker: God Talks To Me, And Trash-Talks Climate Change Activists

Bakker is consistently wrong about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

Televangelist Jim Bakker claimed on his show that God was talking to him, claiming that "this global warming business is anti-God." Sure thing, buddy. God is trash-talking climate change activists. That doesn't sound crazy at all.

Bakker further claimed that God told him that "a lot of people are not going to accept the signs of the Second Coming [and] that the Rapture is near because they're gonna call it global warming problems."

So, we're supposed to believe that we will be punished for caring for the planet God gave us to call home. If that's true, his God is a dick.

Bakker is a MAGA guy, and they're pretty much all climate change deniers. In 2020, Bakker claimed that only born-again Christians can love his Trumpy bear.

"You know what? Trump is a test of whether you're even saved," he said. "Only saved people can love Trump."

Bakker was found guilty of 24 counts of fraud and conspiracy, which landed him in prison. Bakker also lost his multimillion-dollar PTL ministry over a 15-minute sex fling with his former church secretary, Jessica Hahn.

What I'm saying here is never to take Bakker's advice. He's wrong about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

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