'Should Be Ashamed': Trump Lashes Out At Jewish Leaders For Being Disloyal

'Me, me, me, me, meeeee!'

Donald Trump gave a shoutout to Wayne Allyn Root, who penned a piece for the Gateway Pundit to say that it was OK that the former President was hanging out with Nazis because Barack Obama knew Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Confused? Yeah, well, Root is a grifter, who tried to make money off of the pandemic. He's Jewish, so he thinks that permits him to overlook Trump's choices on who he breaks bread with.

"The entire Democrat Party is filled with Jew haters," Root said without providing any evidence to back that wild-eyed claim up. At any rate, Trump is angry that Jewish leaders aren't more loyal to him after the infamous dinner at Mar-a-Lago.

Lumpy took to Truth Social to air his grievances.

"Thank you Wayne – You are great but how quickly Jewish Leaders forgot that I was the best, by far, President for Israel," he wrote. "They should be ashamed of themselves. This lack of loyalty to their greatest friends and allies is why large numbers in Congress, and so many others, have stopped giving support to Israel."

Wayne Allyn Root is a scammer, a fraud, and an extremely dishonest writer. That's why Trump appreciates him. He did the one-term President's bidding. And the Gateway Pundit is inundated with fake news. I imagine that Root typed that ridiculously stupid, bootlicking piece at the Gateway Pundit out with a Tiki Torch in his hands.

"There will never be a president who does more for Israel, or the Jewish people," Root wrote. "Period."

Wow, Root just performed fellatio using poorly written words.

Most of us wouldn't let Nick Fuentes or Kanye West clean our toilets, but Trump hosted a dinner for them. Thanksgiving dinner, no less.

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