Trump: The AP Report Is 'FAKE NEWS!' I Don't Need A Babysitter

Sure thing, sport. Just calm down, and they'll change your diaper in a minute.

Donald Trump denies a report from the Associated Press which states that due to the former President's bizarre decision to host a Nazi for dinner at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, the one-term President will have a senior campaign official "present with him at all times."

Lumpy's explanation that he posted on Truth Social is pretty bad. Trump is saying that his security didn't vet Fuentes because he was a guest of his good pal Ye's. But Ye is a raging antisemite, too, so he shouldn't have been there, either.

"The story in AP, written by the untalented and very unreliable Jill Colvin, who I, unfortunately, got to know at the White House, is Fake News," he insisted. "We have very strong security, especially with the extremely talented Secret Service Agents on premises, but when I know someone, as I did Ye, we're not going to have my guests strip searched, thrown against walls, and otherwise physically beaten. The anonymous sources don't exist. Stories to the contrary are FAKE NEWS!"

Here's part of the AP's report:

But his dinner with a Holocaust-denying white nationalist and a rapper who has spewed antisemitic conspiracies is demonstrating the risks of that approach. It underscores the dangers of his limited campaign operation and leaves the former President subject to stinging criticism from fellow Republicans who increasingly see him as a liability for their party after a lackluster showing in this year's midterm elections.

In an acknowledgment of the severity of the backlash and an effort to prevent a repeat, Trump's campaign is putting new protocols in place to ensure that those who meet with him are approved and fully vetted, according to people familiar with the plans who requested anonymity to share internal strategy. The changes will include expediting a system, borrowed from Trump's White House, in which a senior campaign official will be present with him at all times, according to one of the people.

Trump's guests are "strip-searched, thrown against walls, another otherwise physically beaten"? That part really sticks out. If anyone has seen Lumpy's binky, please give it back to him. The baby is upset.

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