The Unmitigated Gall Of Representative Scott Fitzgerald

Representative Scott Fitzgerald partook in the attempted overthrow of government, then threatens intelligencer agents with being questioned over Hunter Biden's laptop.

US Representative Scott Fitzgerald (Q - WI) went on Fox Business with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the faux outrage the right is having over Hunter Biden's laptop. Fitzgerald had the audacity to threaten 51 intelligence officers that they think had suppressed the story:

If I were one of the 51 intelligence agents - some of whom still valid security clearances, in some instances - you'd better lawyer up now because I think the subpoenas are going to come. And we're going to get to the bottom of why these individuals - and some of them may have been coerced into signing the document as well. So it's all part of that influence peddling that has a direct effect on the elections and I think that you can make the case when it comes to the Hunter Biden story, the suppression to the level that we have never seen before when it comes to a presidential election.

For Fitzgerald to make such wild claims and threats takes a helluva lot of nerve and an even greater lack of integrity. honesty and self-awareness. Especially when one considers that it was Fitzgerald who had reserved a room in the Wisconsin State Capitol for the 10 fake electors to commit their act of treason and other crimes. On top of that, Fitzgerald had voted against accepting the election results and against both impeachments.

Fitzgerald was sworn in on Jan. 3 and among his first acts as a newly minted congressman was to vote against certifying the election for Biden on Jan. 6. That came after the deadly attack by insurgents who invaded and trashed the U.S. Capitol in an effort to subvert democracy and the peaceful transition of power. Fitzgerald could not be reached for comment — nor has he made a public statement on the matter.

Brostoff believes Fitzgerald knowingly aided Wisconsin’s fake electors in an effort to subvert the results of the presidential contest. “It seems extremely unlikely that any of this is a coincidence,” he says, and adds that given his oaths of office on both the state and federal level to protect the Constitution, “Fitzgerald needs to be held accountable and should immediately resign. I’m hopeful that justice will be done and I’ll keep pushing for it.”

According to Larson’s statement, “The records received from the office of the State Senate Sergeant at Arms indicate that staff from then-Senator Fitzgerald’s office reserved meeting space from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Senate Parlor and Room 201SE on behalf of the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW).” The Capitol was closed to the public due to COVID-19, “but legislators were able to reserve meeting space for constituents and other interested groups as they saw fit,” he wrote.

In light of how quickly Special Counsel Smith and the rest of DOJ are starting to finally move, it wouldn't take long to get to him.

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