Wake Up, Media. Elon Musk Has Always Been A Con Artist

Maybe you shouldn't have built him up in the first place!

Atrios has always seen Musk for what he is, -- and so have most bloggers, most of the time.

Even the most casual reader can uncover the fact that Musk never actually created anything that's successful, or that he lied his way into prominence. Typical uber-rich kid! Surround yourself with boot lickers and all will bow before you! (When Musk unveiled his Space X, most of the women I know commented there was some major compensation going on there. And there was.)

Remember when he was going to be the savior of mass transit by drilling a tunnel? Good times!

I have this favorite button I've worn for decades: "Money is how people with no actual talent keep score."

He's a lot like Trump -- a quivering mass of deep insecurity cushioned by multiple layers of arrogance, lies, bullying, and weaponized bullshit. But it works! He managed to keep media reporting on his exploding cars to a mere mention, just an oopsie. And he's a billionaire, which is something media types treat as a sign of great intelligence.

I do blame the media for anointing him with undeserved credility. He has harmed a lot of people who worked for him. (Not to mention, exploding cars!)

I sometimes talk about my time as an executive recruiter, and one of the things I learned was that we never recommended people whose experience was mostly from a family business. Look at some examples: George W. Bush. Donald Trump. Elon Musk. (I rest my case.)

That's how we knew he would destroy Twitter. He doesn't actually know how to run anything. The apartheid emperor has no clothes. (Okay, that was mean. But rarely do we see rich people whose outsides so clearly mirror their insides.)

Last night, he showed up in a group Twitter talk including the journalists he just banned, and he quickly fled after he was questioned. (I think this is what Mary Trump would call a "narcissistic injury," on top of his recent appearance with Dave Chappelle.)

He's so fragile, he has to erase any trace of his humiliation. Sad!

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