Open Thread: The War On Christmas 2022
The War on Christmas is already being waged in full force as embedded Betty Bowers reports.
Mrs. Betty Bowers, embedded and intrepid reporter for OMG news, is behind enemy lines - the mall - to bring us a report on the War on Christmas.
Folks, it's worse than we thought! Betty found a groomer named Santa. She heard people using psy-ops by talking about a "White Christmas" without meaning a MAGA type of Christmas* or, much to Don Junior's chagrin, a cocaine-filled one. And all the Happy Holidays being wished! Is nothing sacred anymore?!
Open thread below...
*If you're one of those weirdos that want a White Christmas, there is some snow sitting in my driveway right now! Hurry up and come and get it before it's all gone! And I'll let you take as much as you want - FOR FREE!