Cruz: The FBI Should Raid Biden's And Hunter's Home, But Not Pence's

What a chud.

To Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, Republicans like former President Donald Trump, and Mike Pence get a pass for their handling of classified documents. Still, he thinks President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, should have their homes raided even though the classified material was turned in immediately.

Cruz insisted to Fox News's Larry Kudlow -- a former Trump official -- that Pence has explained where the docs came from.

"The FBI needs to search the University of Delaware and Hunter Biden's home and business addresses," Cruz said.

"What about Pence, a friend of both of ours, who found classified documents in his home?" Kudlow asked.

"Oh look, Mike Pence has explained where these came from," Cruz said.

According to Pence's people, the former Vice President asked his lawyer to search his home out of an abundance of caution. So, the attorney started going through four boxes stored at Pence's house last week, finding several documents with classified markings on them. That's pretty similar to what happened in Biden's case. Both Biden and Pence immediately turned over the documents.

Only one guy, Donald J. Trump, refused to turn in the classified material he was hoarding when it was requested he do so. That is why his tacky home was raided. The FBI isn't going to raid the home of a sitting President -- or anyone for that matter - when they are cooperating.

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