GOP Lawmaker Dreads Working With 'Fraud' Matt Gaetz

I'm pretty sure most people don't like being around Rep. Rapey McForehead.

Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.) was asked on CBS' Face the Nation how difficult it will be to work with controversial Congressman Matt Gaetz after she described him as a "political D-Lister" and a "fraud." Host Margaret Brennan noted that Rep. Kevin McCarthy made a deal to get votes for the Speakership with the hard-right Freedom Caucus in exchange for giving them one-third of the seats on the powerful Rules Committee, which decides which bills make it to the floor.

"It's going to be very difficult. Matt Gaetz is a fraud," she said. "Every time he voted against Kevin McCarthy...he sent out a fundraising email." She said she is "concerned that common sense legislation will not get through."

It sure sounds like she was talking about Gaetz here:

Mace is considered a moderate by today's standards, but she likes her share of attention. She has pulled stunts, too. If you thought the 15 rounds of votes for Speaker of the House that lasted four days and almost resulted in a fistfight on the floor was wild, I'm pretty sure we're about to witness the most dysfunctional and juvenile Congress in years. It's going to be one long shit show.

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