Mike's Blog Roundup
Made this over the weekend for 3 (feeds 8, freezes great) - Carla's pasta e fagioli is a holiday favorite, but this soup is something else again (she also shows you a vegetarian version):
This edition of the Roundup is dedicated to the veterans of the W Administration* Keyboard Wars - you know who you are:
alicublog - the Gray Lady gives David French a platform;
Bark Bark Woof Woof - the brands we've lost (here Pontiac), and I miss Saab as well;
Crooked Timber - Dasein und der Fuhrer;
Diane Ravitch's Blog - Heather Cox Richardson on the GOP debacle;
The Mahablog - the GOP has already made a mess in the House.
Steve in Manhattan used to be on Twitter @blogenfreude but gave that up when you-know-who took over.