Millionaire Fox Pundit Upset Anyone Would See 'Babies As Burdens'

Former reality star turned Fox pundit Rachel Campos-Duffy seems just a tad out of touch with what life is like for people who aren't millionaires that can afford nannies to help with their nine kids.

Former reality star turned Fox pundit Rachel Campos-Duffy seems just a tad out of touch with what life is like for people who aren't millionaires that can afford nannies to help with their nine kids.

On this Saturday's Fox & Friends during a segment discussing the March for Life in Washington D.C., where Campos-Duffy conducted a number of interviews, the hosts lamented that the numbers were down this year, and reminded their audience that the fight over women's reproductive rights has moved to the states now, which was followed by this nonsense.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: In Michigan, it now is... they have the most radical pro-choice legislation that put into the constitution. So, you know, you can't forget that you have to fight at the state level for life, and for just the culture of life.

So people, you know, whether it's, you know, life in the womb, all the way to, you know, at the end, you know, euthanasia is on the rise, but also just encouraging big families, and not seeing fertility as a curse and babies as burdens. All of this stuff is different in our culture, and the birth rates are plummeting among young people, and that's our fault as a culture.

Campos-Duffy has an estimated net worth of $500 thousand, and her husband Sean, the former reality star turned Republican Congressman turned Fox propagandist as well, is reported to have a net worth of $76 million. Apparently the poor guy just couldn't make ends meet on only his Congressional salary.

I hate to break it to this forced-birther, but not everyone has the luxury of lecturing others about what should and shouldn't be considered a "burden" from their millionaire's perch on Fox "news."

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