Nikki Haley Announces Her Run For President, Sort Of

‘Yes, I think I can be that leader,' Haley told Bret Baier on Fox News.

The shape-shifting Nikki Haley made one of those cute tv appearances where a candidate announces they're "exploring" a presidential run (meaning they're already out there trying to raise money) before actually committing to running. Haley previously said she wouldn't run if Trump did. However, with a weakened Trump already declared dead by some, Haley is seizing the opportunity to get in there and try and establish a foothold as the establishment choice among the GOP. Good luck with that.

Source: The Independent

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley says she is considering running for president, hinting in a new interview that she could be making the announcement soon.

The former United Nations ambassador told Fox News on Thursday that she believes the current economic situation pushes for a new leader, adding that she thinks she can be that person.

Then a bunch of blah, blah, blah before getting back to quintessential Nikki Haley.

Ms Haley had previously said she wouldn’t run against Mr Trump, but when asked about her statement, she said a lot has changed since then, adding that the “survival of America matters”.

“If I run, I’m running against Joe Biden. That’s what I’m focused on, because we can’t have a second term of Joe Biden,” Ms Haley said.

And therein lies the problem, and why her candidacy is already doomed. Nimrata "Nikki" Haley tries to be whatever she needs to be at any given moment in time and stands for nothing but her own blind ambition. MAGA certainly doesn't trust her and neither do more traditional Republicans.

And interestingly, on the same day she made her Fox News appearance she was getting into it with Mike Pompeo who accused her of plotting with Jared and Ivanka to overthrow Pence and assume the VP role. Haley denied it, of course, and called Pompeo a liar but since that White House was such a snakepit anyway the story is probably true.

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