If You Have A Tiny Thomas, You Really Need MAGA!

Watch the video, and see what MAGA can do for you!

A parody commerical from Cliff Schecter's YouTube channel really hits the nail on the head! (subscribe here).

Millions of men in America are suffering in silence. Their silent tormentor? Small Dick Energy, or SDE. But science has made groundbreaking discoveries so you don't have to suffer in ashamed, impotent silence.

Now, we have MAGA for your raging, uncontrollable case of SDE. You can buy a Bugatti, plan a coup or buy a huge social media platform just so you can find like minded friends to play with.

White men have tried MAGA for their tiny Thomas, little Alito, or dragging Gorsuch and are seeing amazing results! Watch the video, and see what MAGA can do for you!

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