Paul Ryan Calls Trump The Name The Ex-President Hates The Most

Trump is going to throw a fit. Oh, well!

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, a self-described "never-again-Trumper," who has previously said that the ex-president is "unelectable," had some more choice words for the former reality show star.

Ryan, a Republican who represented Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District for 20 years, and was House Speaker when the one-term President was in office, was interviewed by CNN's Jake Tapper while making the rounds to hawk his new book.

Ryan said that Trump is "fading fast. He's a proven loser," and added that he cost Republicans "the House in 2018, he cost us the White House in 2020, he cost us the Senate again and again." Ryan said, "I think we're really moving past Trump."

He added, "I can't imagine him getting the nomination, frankly."

Let's hope so. If Trump doesn't secure the GOP nomination, then he'll probably run via a third party to spite Republicans, and that will split the vote. Republicans created this monster, and now they don't know how to stop him.

Trump still hasn't conceded the race he lost over 800 days ago to Joe Biden because his narcissistic brain cannot accept defeat. So, more than anything, he hates being called a loser.

And notice that Ryan didn't call Trump out while he was in office. Such a profile in courage. Sorry, but he doesn't get a break for that. Republicans started turning more rightward when the tea party came to town. This is the result of that.

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