We Knew Joe Rogan Was A Nitwit, And Now Fox & Friends Confirms It
They praise Rogan for talking about how "evil" George Soros is.
I always thought Joe Rogan was a dangerous nitwit, and now that he has the admiration of the Fox & Friends crew, that confirms it. (The older I get, the less tolerance I have for willful ignorance.)
"I have been listening to more and more Joe Rogan and find him relatively fascinating," Brian Kilmeade said. (Now why does that not surprise me? Another nitwit approves of Rogan!)
"He is discovering a lot of things that.. we are in a daily warp. We know how evil George Soros is, how much has he done to go out of his way to destroy this country with the money that he has. Funding these evil DAs that go out there and think 'criminal first' and the overturning of one does not result in the overturning of the DA in Los Angeles and Philadelphia. But he seems to have digested that premise, too."
ROGAN: I had a conversation with the governor of Texas about him, with Greg Abbott where he was explaining to me what George Soros does. It's f*cking terrifying that he donates money to a very progressive, very leftist, whether it's a DA or whatever politician and then funds someone who is even further left of them to go against them.
MIKE BAKER: He understood early on where he wanted to seize power. We sometimes think becoming a senator is a pinnacle of success, it's not. It's the DAs and state level politicians. That's where real change, radical changes occurs and before you know it what the f*ck is going on.
ROGAN: Real corrosion. It seems like he funds corrosion. It's like he wants these cities to fall apart. He wants crime to flourish. It's almost like he is an evil person in a Batman movie.
(Because as we all know, "tough on crime" district attorneys are the solution to urban poverty. It's always worked, right?)
"It's neat watching Joe Rogan's progression, because he is not inherently political," Hegseth said.
(Of course not. You have to have a working brain to be political!)
Then they went on to praise Bill Maher.
"As he gets more information, he starts to connect the dots. 'Wait, America is a good place and there are people that want to destroy it and they are from other countries and spending a lot of money and want to open our borders and all because they hate western civilization because they have this different philosophy that are Marxist in orientation and people are' -- the red pill is slowly being swallowed," Hegseth said.
The disgusting thing is, Hegseth is right. The people who listen to Rogan and Maher do start to change their minds, based on the same superficial analyses.
Personally, I blame Bill Maher more than Rogan. Because unlike Rogan, he's not stupid, he's just lazy. And he's too egotistical to admit that an issue might just be a little too complex for him to understand between hits on the bong, or his chats with Bari Weiss.
Even worse, he's a comedian WHO JUST ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE.
Rogan is just a nitwit who, by virtue of selling his bodybuilding supplements, has managed to make a shit ton of money and collect a massive tribe of Spicolis who want smart-sounding rationalizations for their uninformed opinions. He does occasionally say something useful, but that's what makes him so dangerous. You have to dig through a mountain of bullshit to find the pony.
God help us.