The 2020 Trump Campaign Strategy: Fan The Flames
Trump's campaign staff caught on tape admitting Biden won but they were still going to push the Big Lie.
The AP's Scott Bauer is reporting that newly surfaced audio reveals that Trump's campaign in Wisconsin knew that they lost, admitted that the Democrats outmaneuvered them and that their post election strategy was to cast doubt and division over the integrity of the election, or if you prefer, their plan was to run with The Big Lie:.
A newly released audio recording offers a behind-the-scenes look at how former President Donald Trump’s campaign team in a pivotal battleground state knew they had been outflanked by Democrats in the 2020 presidential election. But even as they acknowledged defeat, they pivoted to allegations of widespread fraud that were ultimately debunked — repeatedly — by elections officials and the courts.
The Wisconsin political operatives in the strategy session even praised Democratic turnout efforts in the state’s largest counties and appeared to joke about their efforts to engage Black voters, according to the recording obtained Thursday by The Associated Press. The audio centers on Andrew Iverson, who was the head of Trump’s campaign in the state.
“Here’s the drill: Comms is going to continue to fan the flame and get the word out about Democrats trying to steal this election. We’ll do whatever they need (inaudible) help with. Just be on standby in case there’s any stunts we need to pull,” Iverson said.
Specifically, Trump's team tipped their hats to the Democrats in regard to Dane County, where their GOTV efforts got 80% of the eligible voters to the polls. And of those voters, 76% went with Biden.
However, the Republicans also spilled how they really feel about minority voters, especially Blacks:
At one point, the operatives laugh over needing “more Black voices for Trump.” Iverson also references their efforts to engage with Black voters.
“We ever talk to Black people before? I don’t think so,” he said, eliciting laughter from others in the room.
When the reporter contacted TFG's current campaign for comment, they unironically responded with more lies:
In response to questions about the audio, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said: “The 2024 campaign is focused on competing in every state and winning in a dominating fashion. That is why President Trump is leading by wide margins in poll after poll.”
Wisconsin was a big part of Trump’s victory in 2016, when he smashed through the Democrats’ so-called “Blue Wall” in the upper Midwest, and his campaign fought hard to keep the swing state in his column four years later before his loss to Biden.
I bet that if they actually had any polls, TFG wouldn't even be winning in Mar-A-Lago.