Dem Hangs Trump Around Necks Of GOP At Twitter Hearing

“You guys have no credibility,” Jared Moskowitz told the committee investigating Twitter’s supposed suppression of the Hunter Biden "laptop" story.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz, a first-term Congressman from Florida, has won my deep respect with his savvy comments at today’s Oversight Committee hearing where Twitter executives were called to testify about the company’s supposed “role in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story.”

Spoiler alert: There was no nefarious censorship, not from President Joe Biden or anyone else. The hearing was really about letting Republicans play their favorite game of victimhood, in this case via their favorite scapegoat, Hunter Biden.

Of course, the committee ignored how Donald Trump pressured Twitter into removing material that hurt his widdle fee fees. Unfortunately for the GOP gang, Moskowitz called it out. Saying he was beginning to feel “a little bad for the majority,” Moskowitz explained how Donald Trump destroyed their credibility.

MOSKOWITZ: Donald Trump, he is just this thing that hangs around your neck. Because at every turn he undermines whatever credibility you want to have on this subject. Donald Trump and his administration, it’s been proven, reached out to Twitter to take down tweets that got under his skin. The tough guy, Donald Trump, right? He got called the B word. “Let's reach out to Twitter. Let's get the tweet taken down.”

You guys have no credibility. You have none. Your own guy taking free speech off of Twitter.

But Moskowitz wasn’t done. He proceeded to highlight how Republicans repeatedly call President Biden boring and sleepy but also “an international super-mastermind, along with his son, Hunter.” He added, “It’s just bananas.”

Then he called out how the Republicans are giving Trump a pass on his obviously shady foreign deals.

MOSKOWITZ: The Trump family is getting billions of dollars of loans from foreign governments by using their White House relationships. Any questions? Any questions on that? No, I didn't think so. You want to know if the Trump family made any money selling PPE during the pandemic out of The West Wing? Any questions about that? No, I didn't think so.

We’re going to need a lot more of this in the next two years.

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