RNC Chair Insists Raging Narcissist Won't Sabotage GOP Nominee If It's Not Him

What's the weather like in your world, Ronna?

Republican National Committee Chair said on CNN's "State of the Union" that all candidates that want to participate in the Republican party's presidential debate will have to sign a pledge to support the 2024 nominee, and that could get really tricky. Has she met Donald Trump?

McDaniel was asked by CNN host Dana Bash about Trump's previous comments saying that he might not support a nominee that is not him.

"So, are you prepared to block the former president if he doesn't sign it?" Bash asked.

"Well, he signed it in 2016," Ronna said. "He did."

"But this is about the here and the now," Bash told McDaniel. "He didn't commit to it."

"I think they're all going to sign it, I really do," McDaniel. "I think the voters are very intent on winning, and they do want to see a debate stage of people saying, 'I'm not going to support this guy, I'm not going to support this guy.' What they need to say is 'I'm going to everything I can to defeat Joe Biden,' and that means supporting the nominee of the Republican party."

"You can't see a scenario where Trump would just skip the debate if he's forced to sign something?" Bash asked.

"I think they all want to be on the debate stage," McDaniel said. "I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage. That's what he likes to do."

"Listen, I say this all the time. Dana, I am Mitt Romney's niece, and I was appointed to the RNC by Donald Trump," McDaniel said, even though it was reported that Trump made her change her last name from Romney to McDaniel because the former president is a petty little bitch.

"And I would support both -- support both of them if they were the nominee of our party over Joe Biden," she continued. "But I don't know if they would support each other."

Prediction: If Lumpy isn't nominated, he will run as a third-party candidate to split the vote because that's who he is. Trump only supports Trump.

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