Some Wisconsin Voters Get Pre-Marked Absentee Ballots

Voters in a small town in northern Wisconsin receive absentee ballots that were already marked - for a Republican.

For the past two years, we've heard nothing but Republicans screaming about "election integrity," conducting audit after audit, filing lawsuit after lawsuit and passing one voter suppression law after another.

And now, Wisconsin is about to have one of its most important election which will determine who controls the state supreme court, the Republicans' sheer and utter incompetence raises its ugly head:

An unknown number of voters in the village of Kronenwetter have received absentee ballots for the Feb. 21 primary that appeared to have already been partially filled in, while others received ballots that had not been initialed by the clerk, the clerk’s office said.

In both cases, according to a post on the Marathon County village’s website, the mistakes were the result of “human error” and not evidence of fraud.

Voters who received one of the faulty ballots were asked to contact the clerk’s office as soon as possible to deactivate the ballot and have a new one issued.

“We understand residents are concerned and we wanted to address the remedy immediately,” according to the unsigned post. “There is still plenty of time to request a new absentee ballot.”

By partially filled, it means that the circle by one of the candidates' names was filled in. Naturally, the candidate who appeared to be marked is a Republican. That's a pretty glaring screw up for it to be just "human error."

Also, the primary election is only eight days from the time of this writing. That's putting a lot of faith in the system to have people call in for a new ballot (especially since the clerks are not answering their phones), order new ballots, expecting USPS to deliver them, the voter's to check them and mark them and then have the USPS deliver them by February 21st.

It also causes pause to wonder if this is going on anywhere else, say like Milwaukee, where they are already bragging about their success at voter suppression.

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