WSJ: Skip Breakfast To Save Money, You Silly Poors
Wrong. Let's eat Rupert Murdoch, instead.

Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal is trying to help all of you poors out there who can't afford the rising costs of eggs and whatnot. Just stop eating breakfast. Problem solved! The piece "To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast" lists the costs of different grocery store items, then says, "Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee."
Or, and stay with me here for a second, maybe we could eat the rich. Rich guys like Rupert Murdoch, for example. I'd bet if we seasoned him up and slapped his old ass on the grill, we could enjoy a mighty nice Grilled Rich Guy. That's some nice eating right there!
Twitter users weighed in:
For the record and for my personal safety, I've never referred to myself as a journalist:
And, of course, this Louisiana Republican is blaming President Biden for global inflation and the bird flu.
I think avoiding any of Rupert Murdoch's publications would be a better idea.