Comer Is Trying To Interfere In Bragg’s Trump Prosecution
House Oversight Chair James Comer pretended on Fox News he has a right to investigate and browbeat NYC DA Alvin Bragg in a Congressional hearing.
House Oversight Chair James Comer pretended on Fox News he has a right to investigate and browbeat NYC DA Alvin Bragg in a Congressional hearing.
Yes, Bragg is likely, though not certain, to bring charges against Trump over his corrupt and fraudulent hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, which he tried to disguise as a legal payment from his business, The New York Times reported. “In New York, falsifying business records can be a crime, and Mr. Bragg’s office is likely to build the case around that charge, according to people with knowledge of the matter,” The Times said.
In other words, there is no indication that Bragg will be trying to charge Trump with violating any federal crimes. But Comer teamed up with Fox News and host Laura Ingraham to smear Bragg and concoct an excuse to stick his own MAGA nose where it has no business.
A Fox producer did his or her part with an anti-Semitic banner that smeared Bragg as a “SOROS-BACKED D.A.” As if that has anything to do with whether Donald “P***y Grabber” Trump broke the law by fraudulently trying to hide from the public that he cheated on his wife with a porn star.
Then Comer, in a moment of unintended irony, accused Bragg of engaging in “a political stunt” to get “all types of earned media.”
As a Fox banner changed to “COMER: BRAGG IS OVERSTEPPING HIS AUTHORITY,” Comer claimed to know that Bragg plans to charge Trump with a federal election-law crime. But first, Comer smeared Bragg as ignoring real crime. “This is a DA that represents one of the highest crime rates in America and instead of prosecuting criminals, he’s trying to prosecute a presidential candidate based on U.S. federal election law, something he clearly does not have the authority to do,” Comer said.
Actually, we can chalk that up as another Comer lie. New York isn’t even on Forbes’ list of the 15 most dangerous cities in the U.S. For what it’s worth, 10 of the 15 are in red states, with St. Louis, Mobile and Birmingham topping the list.
As for ignoring real crime, Comer is the guy who just killed a congressional investigation into whether Trump profited improperly from the presidency, despite a court-supervised agreement that required Trump’s former accounting firm to provide his financial records to Congress.
Comer is also the guy who just admitted leaking hacked emails in order to combat accusations of domestic abuse and that he accompanied a girlfriend to an abortion.
Comer surely knows that Bragg will not kowtow to a bogus hearing meant only to denigrate and demean him.
So Comer is doing exactly what he accused Bragg of doing: overstepping his authority and engaging in a publicity stunt. Even worse, assuming a grand jury finds enough evidence to charge Trump, Comer is doing so to distract from and damage the prosecution of a real crime.