DeSantis Gets Caught In The Disney Mousetrap

Disney stripped DeSantis' hand picked governing board of all power for at least 30 years in a last minute development agreement.

DeSantis Gets Caught In The Disney Mousetrap

Poor Ron DeSantis. He is still dealing with the fallout from PuddingGate. He is also the verbal and electronic punching bag of Donald Trump. Now it appears he was outwitted by a mouse wearing pants.

Here is the latest on the DeSantis Disney Takeover. The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Disney outsmarted DeSantis in a last minute, 11th hour, quickly signed "30-year development agreement" that renders the new anti-Woke board powerless.


Here is how it happened. The previous board, Disney controlled Reedy Creek Improvement District, approved the last minute agreement on Feb. 8, the very day before the Florida House voted to put the governor in charge. They knew what was coming and had a plan. The Board had a public meeting, but didn't get into great detail about the document before unanimously voting to approve it. The document is described as a "pact and restrictive covenants that would tie the hands of future board members for decades."

DeSantis' conservative DC law firm has vowed to fight, of course. The board is also really really mad about this. One of the member, Brian Aungst Jr, said “We’re going to have to deal with it and correct it. It’s a subversion of the will of the voters and the Legislature and the governor. It completely circumvents the authority of this board to govern.”

But is it, though? Did the voters vote for DeSantis to takeover Disney? Was that on the ballot?

Disney, for it's part, said "All agreements signed between Disney and the district were appropriate and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law." And at the time the agreements were signed, they were still in full control.

DeSantis isn't too pleased. One of his spokeswomen whined incessantly about the move, accusing the agreement of having "significant legal infirmities that would render the contracts void as a matter of law" without any basis for that statement. But when has DeSantis or his staff cared about facts, amirite?

So how did you get here, you may be asking? Why did DeSantis do a hostile takeover of DISNEY, of all places? Well, he was super duper butt hurt about Disney opposing the insanely hurtful, stupid and homophobic "don't say gay" law, which limits school education topics such as sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools. I guess if we don't teach them about being gay, they won't be gay? is that the thinking? Just deny that it is a thing.

Another board member summed the predicament up best: "This essentially makes Disney the government. This board loses, for practical purposes, the majority of its ability to do anything beyond maintain the roads and maintain basic infrastructure.”

One of the funniest parts of the declaration is the following rule: The declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England."

Here is the exact provision, highlighted in the below tweet:

Twitter LOVED this:

Here is a nice thread (with sad face photos) of the new board finding out they were totally punked by Disney:

Disney: 1
DeSantis: 0

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